BLACK AND GREYTekTattoo2023-01-01T16:49:56+00:00 BLACK AND GREY TATTOOS BY TEK The Doctor – Rossi tattooFish 3D tattooVikings sleeveMemorial Falklands tattooHealed New York tattooAll healed The Witcher half-sleeve tattooRobin Hood tattooEminem stage tattooBack piece tattoo designTattoo sleeve in progressBlack and grey pieceBlack and Grey healed sleeveLight tattoo.Black and grey rose tattoo.Black and grey lilly tattoo.Small forearm tattoo for Tom. Design inspired by the work of artist Jeremy Geddes.Black and grey forearm Deadpool tattoo.Small deer cover up tattooSmall Jon Snow tattoo, Game of Thrones.Remembrance tattoo on the forearm.Black and grey rose on the hand.The British fireman memorial of 25 years in service tattoo.Black and grey skull for the ongoing sleeve.Tiny rose cover-up tattoo.Fresh rose to finish off the design, girl and tiger are healed.Fresh lotus flower next to healed Buddha tattoo.Finished Viking tattoo design, Regnar Lothbrok from the Vikings is healedSmall black and grey dinosaur tattooArtwork by Matthieu Bourel as the girly leg tattoo.Tiger under ripped skin tattoo (Star is not done by me).Girly custom kitty portrait on the inner arm.Start of the greek sleeve, the lion sculpture tattoo first.Lion with the crown tattoo on the leg.First sitting on the Viking tattoo designSkulls and roses tattoo, part of the bigger project preview.The dove tattoo blended into the family/oriental sleeve.Black and grey Leatherface addition to the horror sleeveBlack and grey praying hands tattoo on the inner arm.Black and grey stag and trees tattoo design.Small Regnar Lothbrok tattoo from the Vikings, background left to do. My interpretation of the design from the internet.Second sitting to finish off this lion and rose tattoo. Lion is healed.Ongoing girly sleeve tattoo, black and grey.Small Chester Bennington Linkin Park tattoo portrait, inner elbow gap-fillerTiger eyes tattoo gap fillerBlue eye tattoo.Girly unicorn tattoo in black and greyPretty girl/skull tattoo in black and greyDesert ram skull tattoo on the elbow, tattoo sleeveDiamond tattoo on the back of the armCustom tattoo design, half sleeve2 years old healed Laurel and Hardy chest portraitsSecond sitting on this Viking sleeve, raven tattoo is healedLandscape chest piece tattoo and healed full sleeveSmall black and grey eye tattoo, addition to ongoing sleevePopeye tattoo gap fillerSmall family memorial design, gun cartridges tattooHourglass tattoo sleeve gapfiller on the elbowSmall eye tattoo sleeve gap fillerSkull tattoo close-up, part of the on-going sleeveDay of the dead tattoo cover-upBlack and grey tattoo portrait of Eve with the glass apple.Black and grey hand rose tattoo.Rose tattoo on the elbow as the sleeve gapfiller.Four candles tattoo addition for the ongoing sleeve.Custom tiger tattoo design, customer’s first tattoo.Finished off the dark half sleeve tattoo, the skull and the girl are healed. Scars cover-up included.Black and grey geisha tattoo, inside of the arm.Gypsy day of the dead girl tattoo.Bloody eye in the middle of the arm.Preview of the next dark sleeve work in progress.Black and grey dancer tattoo design on the ribs.Hand roses tattoo set.Darwin tattoo portrait done at the Great British Tattoo Show in London.Medieval hanging lantern tattoo gapfiller.Falling angel and eye tattoo design.Allegory of marriage. The skull and Nurstead church tattoo, the place of my customer’s wedding.Finish off of the half sleeve, the key, feather and beads are fresh.MORE FROM TEK PORTFOLIOTekTattoo2024-12-11T14:09:43+00:00 PORTRAITS PORTRAITSTekTattoo2025-01-26T17:37:35+00:00 WILDLIFE AND PETS WILDLIFE AND PETSTekTattoo2023-01-01T16:49:56+00:00 BLACK AND GREY BLACK AND GREYTekTattoo2023-01-01T16:59:31+00:00 COLOUR COLOURTekTattoo2023-01-01T16:53:39+00:00 DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGSTekTattoo2023-06-13T20:21:08+01:00 PRESS PRESS